PYRRHIC VICTORY for Theresa Iginla In Australia
Ms James has submitted new complaints to the Queensland Crime and Corruption Commission (CCC). The complaints are of false entries of Body Worn Camera usage by Queensland Police Service (QPS).
Just over 2 years ago (July 2016) Canadian Theresa Iginla assaulted Australian woman Ms James. Iginla was in Australia studying law at prestigious Bond University. Iginla is sibling to retired NHL star Jarome Iginla and child to well-known Edmonton Lawyer Elvis Iginla.
Iginla is no stranger to assault having served two sentences of probation and unconditional discharge in Canada. This time however, Iginla wasn’t made accountable because the case waunjustly closed the very night of the assault. Iginla informally and falsely stated self-defence. Furthermore Ms James’s independent witnesses were withheld from the QPrime report, with police supporting the false version. From here, this is when Ms James also became the victim of police misconduct.
The victim Ms James then sought justice, completing eight Right to Information applications. She contacted the Queensland Crime Corruption Commission and was then referred to Ethical Standards Command for investigation. Ms James received an official apology from the Queensland Police Service, and the case was finally reopened (Feb 2018). Unfortunately, however this was too late for justice for Ms James, as Theresa Iginla had left Australia (Dec 2017) having returned to Canada with a Juris Doctor law qualification.
Theresa Iginla has been flagged at Australian Border Force. The police are to-be alerted should Iginla re-enter Australia. Ms James awaits further response about the misconduct complaints.
The only victory was Iginla’s phyrric victory, otherwise no good came from this for the victim nor the collateral damage being lovers, family, friends and others.
*all images were sought from public domain or private investigation.