CASE REOPENED as UNSOLVED 2018 Theresa Iginla Assault’s in Australia 2016
On February 1st 2018 Ms James, victim of assault by Theresa Iginla was advised the CASE was REOPENED as UNSOLVED and ONGOING. The case was unjustly CLOSED as UNFOUNDED by Queensland Police Service (QPS) only hours after the assault occurred July 30 2016.
As previously mentioned (serial assault offender) Iginla informally stated self-defence. For the next 19 months Ms James pursued justice meeting many roadblocks. Multiple submissions to Right to Information revealed investigation inadequacies, negligence and in the victims opinion, bias, by police. Ms James then contacted the Crime Corruption Commission, a government entity to investigate complaints of corruption by police, and monitor how the QPS deals with complaints. The four complaints made by Ms James were accepted and forwarded to the Ethical Standards Command (ESC) of the QPS. Within the ESC the Integrity Service division was then responsible to investigate and report on the complaints by Ms James.
Following internal investigation Ms James received an official apology from the QPS. The case was then re-opened in Australia, however Iginla left the country December 2017 to Canada before the official status update with QPS. Luckily for Iginla she was able to evade charges and leave the country with a Juris Doctor of law qualification. Theresa Iginla is related to Canadian NHL star Jarome Iginla (sister) and Edmonton lawyer Mr Elvis Iginla, Elvis’s daughter.
Iginla, not a stranger to assault, was previously convicted of assault to 3 Canadian citizens, so it’s not surprising she had become an expert of evasion. Will she specialise in physical assault in her future as a law professional? What’s next? There’s always a next when injustice occurs!